07 January 2017

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! A few somewhat-related tidbits today:

1. I have now worn my 1910s sweater to work (when I wrote my last post, I mentioned that it hadn't been cold enough yet, but that has certainly changed). I wore it with jeans and it was really cozy and comfortable and I didn't need to wear a coat that day. I think my coworkers enjoy my vintage sweater habit, too, and they both seemed to like this one.

2. My 1930s cocktail jacket is growing bit by bit. It is pretty slow going in the smocked sections, but I've reached the yoke on the back now. I really do love that metallic element in the design.

My two mystery yarns: a smooth matte gray and a crinkly silver metallic

I've started the yoke.
I hesitated for a little while before starting the yoke. As I mentioned in my last post, the pattern calls for both yarns to be held together for the metallic sections, but mine are too hefty for that, so I opted to use the metallic by itself instead, which means that my metallic sections are a bit more sparkly than the original pattern intended. I briefly considered knitting the yoke in the gray instead of the silver, but ultimately decided to stick with the pattern and make it metallic. It's really quite sparkly. I hope it's the right choice.

3. I was desperate for some more immediate knitting satisfaction during December (surely a side effect of the infinitesimal pace of the Cocktail Jacket), and so I made one hat for myself and another for my nephew. I also made him a Christmas sweater with a super cute built-in scarf collar.

4. Today, I picked up a cute 1980s angora and wool sweater from Portland's Flea-for-All. It's blue and white with a pattern of moons and stars across the top (adorable) and puffed sleeves. I really like it, but it has a few little wear spots and needs some TLC before I can wear it. I do love "rescuing" vintage knits. That's my project for the afternoon and then it's back to the Cocktail Jacket.

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